Leofric's ability to gain agreement between parties, manage distraction, build consensus and energise your meeting, will give you the greatest possible chance of achieving your desired outcome.

Leofric will help you to develop the format for gaining the intended result:

  • Proposing topic flow

  • Arranging space for optimum participation

  • Maintaining everyone's focus during the discussion

  • And will help to manage the follow up after the event.

A master of negotiation and relationship building, Leofric will make you wonder why there was a perceived stumbling block in the first place.

The next time you have an important meeting, put the odds in your favour — engage Leofric as your facilitator.

PO Box 836 Wahroonga NSW 2076 Australia
Ph: 02 9487 5046 Fax: 02 9487 6154 Mobile:0414 99 1953
Email: lkingsfordsmith@me.com